Saturday, January 23, 2010

Borderline Personality Disorder More Condition_treatment Borderline Personality Disorder I Would Like To Know More About This Illness?

Borderline personality disorder i would like to know more about this illness? - borderline personality disorder more condition_treatment

BPD, I would like to know more about this disease?
I want someone with bpd, but before that I think we need to know more about this disease. I have bipolar, but my defense mechanisms may be different


Cracked Pepper said...

Its really good that you have the time to learn more about what your friend has learned friend though.You dialectical behavior therapy to your friend, I heard great things about him and his expertise in BPD. I have a friend who has borderline personality disorder and I think that identifying a problem with his bad self-esteem. It's very low self-esteem, so is their ability to cope with very fragile.

I think it has to do with the allocation of dramatic changes in mood. I know that my partner could have a confrontation with someone, and it is already quite low in itself enough to seriously consider suicide.

It is anger, frustration and self-hatred so intense, it is only losses (glass panic, screams, breaking things themselves cutting cases often) overdose. If he can run and go to sleep, the next day becomes more stable.

Thus, the mood is fast, but the shame and pain around the poles.

Allot of people with this diagnosis have been abused in their childhood. I also heard havin Borderline "describedg skinless emotionally.

Personally, I think it says you have a personality disorder adds only make matters worse. The experiences that each person is unique, so that I have with your companion, my best advice is presumed to concentrate on their best qualities and to promote their talents. Just set a good example. Also, be sure to set limits. I had to do, because my friend hates it alone and BPD, when he gave his wishes would be in his lifetime in case the worker is not your friend. Be firm about the limits of their involvement in their troubles. This is very important for both.

I have my own mental health problems, I was diagnosed with bipolar depression, but I have no labels work for me. I'm pretty stable, my medication, which is great.

I found contact coping mechanisms are very different, which can be very frustrating. They also generally do not respond to medications and other diseases.

Despite BP is the (very full) I would say that the BPD is much more intense and Erratac. Note that you will not "save" this person so much to invest in their emotional recovery, only harm. You can help, but most of them to undertake the treatment.

Wish you and your best friend x

Add Note: Helen L's suggestion, I think this is great.

Voiceless Podium said...

Hello Spazzy,
I have a link that I propose. These are the symptoms of the disorder in this country.
At this point I have to say:
My friend and I recently launched a website ... We began mainly because she and I both suffer from social anxiety. We have suffered from panic / anxiety, and as for me, also suffered or are suffering from depression. We chit chat via MSN Messenger, and took me to a group of people who suffer from this problem even begin, because if we have these problems, we sometimes feel very lonely.

Panel speechless. An online community. But for people with and is also open to friends, family and friends of those who suffer from generalized anxiety, shyness, panic attacks, obsessive compulsive disorder, agoraphobia, depression, social anxiety, the habits of self-harm, schizophrenia, eating disorders, body image, personality disorder, PTSD the multiple personality disorder and other mental health problems.
There are millions of people suffer in silencethis ordeal invisible.
We are here to provide a secure and trusted community where you can judge ridiculed or mistreated. Our goal is a place where you can open without giving the feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable, or how you have to keep everything in bottles of
The primary function offer through our forums, support and information service for everyone in the region, which are limited by these barriers. A place where you can speak your mind and share their views, thoughts and experiences with others.
Not only for those who suffer from these problems, but for the fans and their relatives, friends and family members.

On this page you will find here and follow the links to the forums!
Deaf podiumDOTcoDOTcc (Yahoo Answers will not let me send links to their precise form to this)
In the hope to see you there! Known as "starburst" Be there!

Nick_Man... said...

Hello. There is much information can be found here (Wikipedia), in May, I believe that you find interesting and useful. I cut a little higher, and the relevant inserted for you, but I have also since the links for you so that the rest of your free time, can read ok? :)

Borderline Personality Disorder
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Emotionally unstable personality disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a psychiatric diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV Personality Disorders 301.83) [1] that describes a prolonged disturbance of personality function characterized by depth and variability of moods. [2] Generally, the unusually strong disturbance in mood instability, "black and white" thinking, or the separation of the chaotic and unstable interpersonal relationships, self image, identity and behavior and a disruption in the individual that has of himself. In extreme cases, the disturbance in the sense of self in times of dissociation. [3] These disturbances can have far-reaching negative impactsPact of several or all of the psychosocial aspects of life. These include difficulties in maintaining relationships at work, home and social environments. Attempted suicide and suicide are possible outcomes, especially without the proper care and effective treatment. [4]

The onset of symptoms usually occurs during adolescence or early adulthood. May symptoms for several years, but most of the symptoms of decline in intensity over time, [4], some people fully recover again. The mainstay of treatment of various forms of psychotherapy, however, medication and other approaches may improve the symptoms. While the disorder Borderline personality disorder can occur in children and adolescents, clinicians are discouraged before the age of 18 due to the adolescent is diagnosed and the further development of a personality.

Lilith said...

I'm borderline. You can also extend to someone suffering from this disorder to reconsider. As a rule do not work very well.
To help you, I suggest you get the book "Stop Walking on Eggshells.", The characteristics of the border and Explains how to do (almost) with them.
They are brave, even superior to what I wish you all the best.

Helen L said...

I have attached a link to a pamphlet of the Spirit - they are a charitable organization of mental health. I can not write their best.

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